How do I change the notification sounds in Microsoft Teams?

How do I change the notification sounds in Microsoft Teams?

If you’ve ever winced at the sound of a Microsoft Teams notification breaking your focus, you’re not alone.

I work fully remote, and my dog is terrified of the Teams notification sounds and the dings when joining a Teams call. I need to be able to hear notifications, and unfortunately am unable to wear headphones. Is there a way to change these sounds? – Anonymous

Good news: Microsoft just rolled out an update to make these interruptions more manageable. You can now customize your notification sounds on Teams. This makes it easier to stay focused and prioritize your work.

Instead of the generic “ping” that jolts you out of your workflow, you can opt for a soothing chime or a subtle whoosh. This small change can have a big impact on managing your day. Differentiating between urgent alerts and less critical messages through sound helps you prioritize effectively and reduces distractions.

For business owners like you, this update is more than just a new feature – it’s a tool to enhance productivity and team efficiency. Allowing your team to customize their notification sounds lets them tailor their work environment to their personal needs. Urgent messages from key contacts can have a distinct sound that grabs attention immediately, while routine notifications can have a softer tone.

This kind of prioritization is essential in a busy work environment where managing time and focus is vital. It helps prevent important messages from getting lost in the noise of everyday communications and ensures team members can respond promptly to pressing issues without constant disruption.

The business benefits are clear. First, it creates a more focused and efficient work environment. When employees aren’t constantly interrupted by generic notification sounds, they can maintain concentration for longer periods, leading to higher productivity levels.

The update also allows for muting notifications during meetings or focused work sessions, ensuring important discussions and deep work sessions go uninterrupted. This feature is particularly handy in today’s hybrid work environment, where distractions come from multiple channels.

While customizable notification sounds stand out, Microsoft Teams offers many other benefits that make it invaluable for business. It integrates smoothly with other 365 applications, providing a unified platform for all your business needs.

Whether collaborating on documents, scheduling meetings, or managing projects, Teams brings everything together in one place. Its robust set of tools makes teamwork easier and more efficient.

Quick Three steps

Step 1: In the upper right of the Teams window, select the three dots to open “Settings”

Step 2: Select Notifications and activity

Step 3: From the Notifications and activity menu, under Sound, customize your selections.

If you’re not already using Teams, now’s the time to start. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your workflows and communication. Here’s some more articles about how to make your Teams meetings more productive: READ MORE

We can help you customize Microsoft Teams to be perfect for your business. Get in touch.